It's finally arrived! We cupped this coffee with Ricardo and chose this lot for its sweet, clean profile.
Ricardo has passed down his passion for coffee to his daughter Melonie, who has returned to the farm after going to university. They exemplify sustainability in their focus on organic processes, community collaboration by processing their neighbours coffee, and of course, quality.
We purchased this coffee directly from Ricardo, and had it shipped through our friends at Apex CoffeeRicardo and Melanie run the Helsar Station in the West Valley of Costa Rica. They are an important part of their community as they process many neighbouring farms. It’s a real honour to bring their coffee home to Winnipeg and share it here.
Ricardo has passed down his passion for coffee to his daughter Melonie, who has returned to the farm after going to university. They exemplify sustainability in their focus on organic processes, community collaboration by processing their neighbours coffee, and of course, quality.
We purchased this coffee directly from Ricardo, and had it shipped through our friends at Apex CoffeeRicardo and Melanie run the Helsar Station in the West Valley of Costa Rica. They are an important part of their community as they process many neighbouring farms. It’s a real honour to bring their coffee home to Winnipeg and share it here.